Welcome to the Neighborhood Explorer! This tool includes information about different neighborhoods in New York City to help with your housing search. You can use the map below to search the city and select different neighborhoods to learn more about each one. Think about what is most important to you in choosing a neighborhood when exploring the website.
The map below is divided into zip codes because the amount of rent your Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) can cover is different depending on zip code. In the zip codes shaded blue, an EHV can pay more than in the other zip codes. With an EHV, you have access to many neighborhoods across the city, including more expensive areas. Work with your Housing Navigator to look through some neighborhoods that fit your needs and start to plan your housing search.
To look at a zip code page, you can zoom in and move the map or use the search bar to look for a specific neighborhood. When you click on a zip code, a popup will appear with the zip code. Click the link in the popup and a new page will open with a profile of that zip code.
Note: Each zip code page lists information about amenities and resources within the boundaries of that zip code. However, there may be amenities and resources in nearby zip codes that are also accessible. You may want to explore on a map to see what is nearby. One helpful resource for detailed information about services and amenities is this map tool from the NYC Department of City Planning.