Many of the data represented on the Neighborhood Explorer page are estimates. Whenever possible, the most recent data available were used, but information may have changed between the time the data were collected and today. This information is intended to give a general picture of each neighborhood and should not be taken as exact representation of conditions.
Subways, Bus Lines, and Express Bus Lines
Sources: GIS Lab, Newman Library at Baruch College, City University of New York
Shapefiles as of Nov. 2020;
MTA Bus Time.
Regular bus lines available within a zip code are determined by the presence of a route within a zip code, not stops. Express bus lines available are determined by the presence of stops within a zip code.
Subways available within a zip code are determined by the location of a subway stop only. Subway stations that are within a reasonable walking distance to a nearby zip code or that is located close to a zip code boundary are not included.
Source: CitiBike system data as of Oct. 2021.
Food Access
Grocery stores
Source: NY State Food Retail Stores, all retail food stores which are licensed by the Dept. of Agriculture and Markets, as of Sept. 2021.
Soup kitchens and pantries
Source: Food Bank for New York City, data as of Oct. 2021.
Including only soup kitchens and pantries, and excluding mobile services and home deliveries.
Farmers markets
Source: DOHMH Open Data, as of Dec. 2020.
Including seasonal and year-round farmers markets.
Source: NYPD Open Data, 2014-2018.
ZIP Codes are categorized based on publicly available point-level data of reported crime during 2014-2018 from the New York City Police Department and population figures from the 2010 Census. ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA)-level crime rates are calculated as a close geographic proxy for ZIP codes. The rate is calculated by dividing the number of violent major felonies (assault, homicide, and robbery [For privacy reasons, reports of rape are not provided with sufficient geographic detail to allow geocoding to ZCTA]) by the number of persons living in a ZIP Code, represented as X crimes per 1,000 people. ZIP Codes are categorized into quartiles based on this rate. The ZIP Codes in the top 25% of this crime rate are categorized as “among the most crimes;” the 50th to 75th percentiles are categorized as “more crime than average;” the 25th to 50th percentiles are categorized as “less crime than average;” and the bottom 25% are categorized as “among the fewest crimes.”
Healthcare Services
Source: NYC Dept. of City Planning, Facilities Explorer
Categories include Chemical Dependency, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Hospitals and Clinics, Mental Health, Other Health Care, and Residential Health Care
All healthcare facilities in the above categories were summed for each zip code. Zip codes in the top 10 percent of total healthcare facilities were categorized as having “a very high number of healthcare facilities;” the 75th to 90th percentile were categorized as having “an above average number of healthcare facilities;” the 25th to 75th percentile were categorized as having “an average number of healthcare facilities;” the 10th to 25th percentile were categorized as having “a below average number of healthcare facilities;” and the bottom 10 percent of zip codes were categorized as having “a low number of healthcare facilities.”
Social Services
Source: NYC Dept. of City Planning, Facilities Explorer
Categories include Community Centers and Community School Programs, Immigrant Services, Legal and Intervention Services, Non-Residential Housing and Homeless Services, Programs for People with Disabilities, Senior Services, Workforce Development, and Financial Assistance and Social Services.
Excluding “Soup Kitchens and Food Pantries” as a category in Social Services because these available resources are accounted for in the Food Access section.
All social services in the above categories were summed for each zip code. Zip codes in the top 10 percent of total social services were categorized as having “a very high number of social services;” the 75th to 90th percentile were categorized as having “an above average number of social services;” the 25th to 75th percentile were categorized as having “an average number of social services;” the 10th to 25th percentile were categorized as having “a below average number of social services;” and the bottom 10 percent of zip codes were categorized as having “a low number of social services.”
Childcare Facilities
Source: NYC Dept. of City Planning, Facilities Explorer
Categories include day care facilities, DOE universal pre-K facilities, after school programs, and preschools for students with disabilities.
All childcare facilities in the above categories were summed for each zip code. Zip codes in the top 10 percent of total childcare facilities were categorized as having “a very high number of childcare facilities;” the 75th to 90th percentile were categorized as having “an above average number of childcare facilities;” the 25th to 75th percentile were categorized as having “an average number of childcare facilities;” the 10th to 25th percentile were categorized as having “a below average number of childcare facilities;” and the bottom 10 percent of zip codes were categorized as having “a low number of childcare facilities.”
Public Schools
Source: NYC Department of Education, 2018-19 School Quality Reports Results for elementary, middle, K-8 schools
Reports results for all elementary, middle, and K-8 DOE schools in each ZIP code were averaged (weighted by the number of enrolled students) for six categories: Rigorous Instruction, Collaborative Teachers, Supportive Environment, Effective School Leadership, Trust, and Student Achievement. For each of the categories, all ZIP codes with one or more school were ranked into five groups. The top 10 percent were ranked Very High; the 75th to 90th percentile were ranked Above Average, the 25th to 75th percentile were ranked Average, the 10th to 25th percentile were classified as Below Average, and the bottom 10 percent of Zip codes were ranked Lower than Most.
Race and ethnicity
”Other” includes non-Hispanic in each of the following: American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, some other race alone, and two or more races.
Source: ACS 2015-2019 5-Yr Estimates
Age distribution
Seniors include people ages 65 and over. Children include people ages 18 and under.
Source: ACS 2015-2019 5-Yr Estimates
Note: The American Community Survey (ACS) groups data by ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTA). Zip code 11249 corresponds to the 11211 ZCTA and there is no 11249 ZCTA. Therefore, demographic information listed for zip code 11249 on this website matches data for 11211.
Types of Housing & Buildings
Source: PLUTO, NYC Dept. of City Planning
Categories include One- and Two-Family Buildings, Multi-Family Walk-up Buildings, Multi-Family Elevator Buildings, Mixed Residential & Commercial Buildings, Open Space & Outdoor Recreation, and Non-Residential.
The Non-Residential category combines Commercial & Office Buildings, Industrial & Manufacturing, Transportation & Utility, Public Facilities & Institutions, Parking Facilities, and Vacant Land.
Street Life
Source: Google Street View
Open Space & Parks
Source: NYC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, Plainmetrics mapping, Parks layer
The percentage of each zip code given to parks and open space by area was calculated for each zip code. Zip codes in the top 10 percent were categorized as having “more open space and parks than most;” the 75th to 90th percentile were categorized as having “an above average amount of open space and parks;” the 25th to 75th percentile were categorized as having “an average amount of open space and parks;” the 10th to 25th percentile were categorized as having “a below average amount of open space and parks;” and the bottom 10 percent of zip codes were categorized as having “less open space and parks than most.”
Note that because of differing data sources, there may be some discrepancy between the categories in Open Space & Parks and the proportion of open space represented in Types of Housing & Buildings.
Religious Facilities
Source: Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) –
Places of Worship as of July 1, 2020
*This dataset is created from the IRS master files containing the public national record of all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and filtered to places of worship.