10314 is located in Staten Island and includes Bloomfield, Travis, Chelsea, Bulls Head, Heartland Village, Westerleigh, Castleton Corners, Manor Heights, New Springville, Graniteville.
This neighborhood is a mix of residential and other uses.
This neighborhood has:
an above average number of social services
an above average number of childcare facilities
This zip code had among the fewest crimes per person.
This neighborhood has an above average amount of open space and parks.
EHV Payment Amount
EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.
If you are searching in zip code 10314, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:
SRO: $1782
Studio: $2376
1-BR: $2420
2-BR: $2739
3-BR: $3443
4-BR: $3707
For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.
10314 is served by the following transit options:
Subways: N/A
Bus lines: S40, S44, S46, S48, S54, S55, S56, S57, S59, S61, S62, S66, S74, S79-SBS, S84, S89, S90, S91, S92, S93, S94, S96, S98
Express bus lines: SIM2, SIM3, SIM3C, SIM4, SIM4C, SIM4X, SIM8, SIM8X, SIM25, SIM26, SIM22, SIM30, SIM31, SIM32, SIM33, SIM33C, SIM34, SIM35
Citibike: No
Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.
Food Access
Compared to other neighborhoods, 10314 has an average number of places to buy food.
Food shops: 77
Year-round farmers markets: 1
Seasonal farmers markets: 0
Soup kitchens: 0
Food pantries: 1
Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 10314 had among the fewest crimes per person compared to other neighborhoods.
For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.
Healthcare Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 10314 has an average number of healthcare facilities.
Hospitals and clinics: 6
Mental health: 13
Chemical dependency: 0
Health promotion and disease prevention: 3
Residential healthcare: 3
Other healthcare: 0

Social Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 10314 has an above average number of social services.
Senior services: 2
Immigrant services: 0
Services for people with disabilities: 10
Community centers and community school programs: 1
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 1

Childcare Facilities
Compared to other neighborhoods, 10314 has an above average number of childcare facilities.
After school programs: 4
Day care facilities: 13
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 25
Preschools for students with disabilities: 6

Public Schools
Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 10314 were rated:
Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Average
Student achievement is rated Average.
For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Of the people who live in 10314:
22% are children
17% are seniors

Of the people in 10314:
17% identify as Asian
3% identify as Black
15% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
62% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings
Buildings in 10314 are a mix of residential and other uses. The most common type of properties in 10314 are buildings other than housing (offices, stores, warehouses, etc.). The most common type of housing is one and two family buildings.

Street Life
Explore 10314 through Google Street View:
Open Space and Parks
Compared to other neighborhoods, 10314 has an above average amount of open space and parks.
Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 21
Gardens: 0
Playfields: 1
Triangles & plazas: 2
Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.
Religious Facilities
10314 includes the following religious facilities:
I Am Ministries Aka Glory International Christian Center
70 Parkview Loop, Staten Island
Congregation Ahavat Shalom Of Staten Island
2044 Richmond Ave, Staten Island
Ellen Comis Ministries Inc
Po Box 140354, Staten Island
Intl Christian Center-South Campus
1501 Richmond Ave, Staten Island
Willowbrook Community Kollel
61 Rupert Ave, Staten Island
St Anthonys R C Church
24 Shelley Ave, Staten Island
St Johns Lutheran School
663 Manor Rd, Staten Island
Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc
Po Box 140220, Staten Island
Congregation Bnai Shalom At Heartland
275 Martling Ave, Staten Island
Marn Baek Sung United Methodist Church Of New York
1250 Rockland Ave, Staten Island
St George Indian Orthodox Church Staten Island
28 Sunset Ave, Staten Island
Staten Island Chinese Christian Church
159 Schmidts Ln, Staten Island
Faith Community Church International
Po Box 140354, Staten Island
Congregation Beth Yehuda
239 Crafton Ave, Staten Island
Congregation Agudas Shomrei Hadas
98 Rupert Ave, Staten Island
Muslim Majlis Of Staten Island Inc
562 Travis Ave, Staten Island
Staten Island Christian Church
3980 Victory Blvd, Staten Island
Zion Lutheran Preschool
505 Watchogue Rd, Staten Island
Elim Christian Assembly
498 Manor Rd, Staten Island
Circle Of Love Fellowship
79 Cannon Ave, Staten Island
The Kerala Catholic Association
Po Box 140463, Staten Island
St Johns Malankara Syrian Orthodx Church Inc
Po Box 1206, Staten Island
World Glorious Presbyterian Church
145 Morani St, Staten Island
Center For Spiritual Judaism
29 Roanoke St, Staten Island
Staten Island Council Of Churches
2024 Richmond Ave, Staten Island
St George Indian Orthodox Center Of Staten Island
Po Box 223, Staten Island
Cong Midrash David
63 Oakville St, Staten Island
St Marys Orthodox Church Of India
Po Box 140948, Staten Island
Cong Shevet Achim
115 Washington Ave, Staten Island
Holy Unity St Thomas Apostolic Church Of Staten Island
236 Elvin St, Staten Island
Ateret Annette Chaya
199 Braisted Ave, Staten Island
New Life Community Church Of Staten Island Inc
225 Richmond Hill Rd, Staten Island
El-Bethel Assembly Of God
914 Jewett Ave, Staten Island
River Of Praise Tabernacle
91 Comstock Ave, Staten Island
Tabor Mar Thoma Church
Po Box 140385, Staten Island
Ohr Hatorah
174 Oakville St, Staten Island
Chabad Israeli Center
44 Brunswick St, Staten Island
Freedom In God Ministries
585 North Gannon Ave, Staten Island
Lords Flock Charismatic Prayer Group
33 Wheeler Ave, Staten Island
Igreja Vida Nova New Life Church
70 Bowdoin St, Staten Island
Church Of Gods People
58 Livingston Ave, Staten Island
Tong De Temple Of Usa
479 Fanning St, Staten Island
Disciples Of Christ Ministry
97 Walcott Ave, Staten Island
Sephardic Minyan Of Staten Island Inc
1180 Rockland Ave, Staten Island
Ross For God Inc
46 Richard Ln, Staten Island
Richmond Christian Church Inc
Po Box 140012, Staten Island
Blessing Of The Gospel Of Grace Inc
176 Schmidts Ln Apt 1e, Staten Island
Or Hachaim Congregation
60 Dawson St, Staten Island
Congregation Ger-Staten Island Inc
42 Niles Pl, Staten Island
Canaan Gujarati Church
550 Manor Rd Unit 140081, Staten Island
Congregation Simcha V Chaim
142 Washington Ave, Staten Island
Congregation Beth Shloime Of Staten Island
84 Oakville St, Staten Island
Living Water Spiritual Center Inc
377 Livermore Ave, Staten Island
Gestalt Pastoral Care Associates Inc
Po Box 140636, Staten Island
Congregation Of Manor Heights Inc
176 Wellbrook Ave, Staten Island
Jtmmm Inc
23 Arielle Ln, Staten Island
Congregation Yeshiva Merkaz Hatorah-Jewish Foundation School
400 Caswell Ave, Staten Island
Vaad Harabanim Of Staten Island
36 Ismay St, Staten Island
International Christian Center Nyc
1501 Richmond Ave, Staten Island
Tyy Of Staten Island
204 Suffolk Ave, Staten Island
Belz Of Staten Island
172 Livingston Ave, Staten Island
Congregation Chasidei Belz Staten Island
53 Uxbridge St, Staten Island