11205 is located in Brooklyn and includes Clinton Hill & Fort Greene.

This neighborhood is a mix of residential and other uses.
This neighborhood has an above average number of childcare facilities.

EHV Payment Amount

EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.

If you are searching in zip code 11205, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:

SRO: $1806
Studio: $2409
1-BR: $2464
2-BR: $2783
3-BR: $3498
4-BR: $3762

For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.


11205 is served by the following transit options:

Subways: G
Bus lines: B38, B44, B44-SBS, B48, B54, B57, B62, B69
Express bus lines: N/A
Citibike: Yes

Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.

Food Access

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11205 has an average number of places to buy food.

Food shops: 82
Year-round farmers markets: 1
Seasonal farmers markets: 1
Soup kitchens: 0
Food pantries: 0


Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11205 had more crime than average per person compared to other neighborhoods.

For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.

Healthcare Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11205 has an average number of healthcare facilities.

Hospitals and clinics: 13
Mental health: 5
Chemical dependency: 2
Health promotion and disease prevention: 1
Residential healthcare: 0
Other healthcare: 0

Social Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11205 has an average number of social services.

Senior services: 1
Immigrant services: 1
Services for people with disabilities: 1
Community centers and community school programs: 2
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 1

Childcare Facilities

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11205 has an above average number of childcare facilities.

After school programs: 12
Day care facilities: 20
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 13
Preschools for students with disabilities: 0

Public Schools

Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11205 were rated:

Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Average

Student achievement is rated Below average.

For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/


Of the people who live in 11205:

28% are children
7% are seniors

Of the people in 11205:

6% identify as Asian
28% identify as Black
17% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
44% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings

Buildings in 11205 are a mix of residential and other uses. The most common type of properties in 11205 are buildings other than housing (offices, stores, warehouses, etc.). The most common type of housing is walk-up apartment buildings

Street Life

Explore 11205 through Google Street View:

Open Space and Parks

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11205 has an average amount of open space and parks.

Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 13
Gardens: 2
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 0

Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.

Religious Facilities

11205 includes the following religious facilities:

Khal Tzetzovitz
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Glorious Temple Church Of God In Christ
470 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn

Keren Marbe Chchme
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Bishop Memorial Mission Inc
127 Emerson Pl, Brooklyn

Iys Lledes
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Earth River And Rock Spiritual Foundation Inc
525 Myrtle Ave Apt C1, Brooklyn

Congregation Givas Pinchus D Kapish
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Oholei Shloma
517 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Queen Of All Saints Roman Catholic Church
300 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn

St Marys Church
230 Classon Ave, Brooklyn

People S Church Inc C O Rev Hulbert T Smith
802 Kent Ave, Brooklyn

Zion Shiloh Baptist Church
188 Clermont Ave, Brooklyn

Enoch Baptist Church C O Rev James C Simms
674 Myrtle Ave, Bklyn

New York Keren Hatzale Letalmud Toiras
43 Skillman St Apt 2b, Brooklyn

Revelation Church Of God In Christ
433 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn

Bethesda Pentecostal Tabernacle
197 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn

Oke And Christ Apostolic Church
639 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn

Trinity Apostolic Church Inc 1229 Bedford Ave
969 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn

Beth-El Temple Pentecost House Of Prayer For All People Inc
904 Bedford Ave # 8, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Sholom Zlochov
531 Flushing Ave5, Brooklyn

Eglise Baptiste Dexpression Francaise Inc
209 Clermont Ave, Brooklyn

Pentecostal Church Rock Of Horeb
88 Skillman St, Brooklyn

Bnois Spinka
799 Kent Ave, Brooklyn

Hall Of Honor
491 Park Ave, Brooklyn

Celestial Church Of Christ Inc Ileri Oluwa Parish
138 Waverly Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Mosdos Toldos Aharon
777 Kent Ave, Brooklyn

Refuge Temple Ministry Inc
228 Vanderbilt Ave, Brooklyn

New Life Tabernacle Corp
584 Myrtle Ave Ste 200, Brooklyn

Iglesia Pentecostal Unida Hispana
618 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn

Ministries Of Mishpachah Inc
151 N Oxford Walk, Brooklyn

Trinity Pentecostal Deliverance Tabernacle
207 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn

Sharei Hatalmud
263 Classon Ave Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Congregation Dvar Emes
263 Classon Ave Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Keren Aidy
263 Classon Ave Apt 4f, Brooklyn

Breslov International Inc
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Yetez Lev In Eretz Yisroal
263 Classon Avenue Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Congregation Beis Mordche Of Classon
263 Classon Avenue Suite 2-C, Brooklyn

Congregation Shmiel Vyakov
263 Classon Ave Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Chaim Shlomo Inc
263 Classon Ave Apt 4f, Brooklyn

Yaldei Shashuim Developmental Center
176 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Cong Zichroin Naftule
175 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn

Oneg Classon
263 Classon Ave Ste 2-C, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Bnei Shimon Yisroel Of Shopron
18 Warsoff Pl, Brooklyn

Congregation Chayim Shell Tova
263 Classon Ave Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Cong Tiferes Yoal D-Satmar 10th Ave
263 Classon Ave Ste 4-F, Brooklyn

Chesed Binyamin Eliezer
463 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Cong Beth Boruch Gemach Muchon Shai
Brooklyn Navy Yard Bldg 3, Brooklyn

Congregation Shimon Inst
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Ozer Chaim
263 Classon Ave 4-D, Brooklyn

Divrei Yosef
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Zichron Chaya Sarah
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Gemach Yakov
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Imrei Reuven
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Hychel Hatorah Of Williamsburg
70 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn

Cong & Yeshiva Ateres Shmiel Dsaylish
808 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn

Chesed Moshe
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Congregation Mishmeres Kevorim
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Vaad Mishmeres Hatorah
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Myn Hamitzar Kerusichu Achosynei
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Mifal Yismach Lev Mevakshei Hashem
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Mifal Hachesed Shefa Chayim Vrachmim
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

American Friends Of Refuainu
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Ateres Avreichim
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Central Congregations Of Yetev Lev Dsatmar
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Lev Menachem
791 Kent Ave, Brooklyn

Kollel Chakal Tzvi Dspinka
460 Flushing Ave Apt 2b, Brooklyn

Emmanu-El Temple Of Grace Inc
266 Cumberland St, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Yeshayeh
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Sheiris Isruel
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Zichron Elimelach
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Dybrie Noem
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Mai Pairos
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Congregation Shari Tova
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Congregation Beis Yoel Ohel Alte Faige Inc
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Shar Hamishpot
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Keser Rachel
517 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Toras Menachem
529 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Institutional Church Of God In Christ
170 Adelphi St, Brooklyn

The United Gospel Temple Of God Inc
549 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn

Ancient Of Days
196 Ckinton Avenue B45, Brooklyn

Cong Masei Lmelech Vietzen Inc
118 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn

Iglesia Gnostica Samael Aun Weor Usa Inc
60 St Edwards Street, Brooklyn

Center Of Life Church Inc
735 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Mikvah Tahara Of Yetev Lev Inc
38 Walworth St, Brooklyn

Sudos Erev
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Torath Shimon
Po Box 05071, Brooklyn

Mifal Ezra Zichron Yehide
481 Park Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Letzirim
670 Myrtle Ave Pmb 118, Brooklyn

Cong Talmidei Aleksander Inc
694 Myrtle Ave Ste 432, Brooklyn

Keren Vezer Inc
2 Skillman St, Brooklyn

Cong Yetev Lev D Satmar Cyl Inc
144 Spencer St Apt 612, Brooklyn

Taanig Inc
786 Kent Ave, Brooklyn

Ecclesiastical Alliances Bible College
295 Clinton Ave Apt 4b, Brooklyn

Cong Ateres Mordechai
1 Cumberland St, Brooklyn

Toldos Yakov Yosef
694 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn

Kiryas Birech Moshe Inc
786 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn

Kedishas Tzvi Inc
389 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn

Jesus Outreach Tabernacle Inc
325 Classon Ave Apt 8h, Brooklyn

Cong Mayon Hatorah Inc
840 Bedford Ave Apt 1-R, Brooklyn

Cong Ohel Ranzhev Inc
505 Flushing Ave Apt 6a, Brooklyn

Meor Hareshbi
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Beer Aurohom Slonim
Po Box 50226, Brooklyn

Beis Hamedrash Ateres Chaim Hanipoly
725 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Sharei Yeshives
367 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn

Shevas Achim Inc
670 Myrtle Ave Room 125, Brooklyn

Kollel Aliba Dehiljesa Inc
263 Classon Ave Ste 5-E, Brooklyn

Keren Hadfusa Of Breslev
27 Skillman St, Brooklyn

Chasdei Meshilam
523 Park Ave, Brooklyn

Prayer Palace Ministry Inc
174 Carlton Ave, Brooklyn