11213 is located in Brooklyn and includes Crown Heights.
This neighborhood is mostly residential.
This neighborhood has:
an above average number of places to buy food
an above average number of childcare facilities
an above average number of healthcare facilities
EHV Payment Amount
EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.
If you are searching in zip code 11213, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:
SRO: $1751
Studio: $2335
1-BR: $2387
2-BR: $2696
3-BR: $3385
4-BR: $3647
For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.
11213 is served by the following transit options:
Subways: 3, 4, A, C
Bus lines: B12, B14, B15, B17, B25, B43, B44, B45, B46, B46-SBS, B65
Express bus lines: N/A
Citibike: No
Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.
Food Access
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11213 has an above average number of places to buy food.
Food shops: 121
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 1
Soup kitchens: 1
Food pantries: 7
Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11213 had among the most crimes per person compared to other neighborhoods.
For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.
Healthcare Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11213 has an above average number of healthcare facilities.
Hospitals and clinics: 10
Mental health: 7
Chemical dependency: 5
Health promotion and disease prevention: 4
Residential healthcare: 2
Other healthcare: 2

Social Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11213 has an average number of social services.
Senior services: 2
Immigrant services: 1
Services for people with disabilities: 0
Community centers and community school programs: 3
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 1

Childcare Facilities
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11213 has an above average number of childcare facilities.
After school programs: 9
Day care facilities: 25
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 18
Preschools for students with disabilities: 1

Public Schools
Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11213 were rated:
Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Average
Student achievement is rated below average.
For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Of the people who live in 11213:
23% are children
12% are seniors

Of the people in 11213:
2% identify as Asian
61% identify as Black
12% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
22% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings
Buildings in 11213 are mostly residential. The most common type of properties in 11213 are one and two family buildings.

Street Life
Explore 11213 through Google Street View:
Open Space and Parks
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11213 has an average amount of open space and parks.
Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 5
Gardens: 3
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 0
Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.
Religious Facilities
11213 includes the following religious facilities:
Lahak Hanochos Inc
1335 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Attributes Of Christ Ministries Inc
302 Albany Ave, Brooklyn
Oholei Menachem
667 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Rabbinical Organization-Chabad Lubavitch Inc
1394 Carroll St Ste 4, Brooklyn
Greater Mount Carmel Deliverance Ministries Local And Intl Inc
215 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Chabad Friends Of Cuban Jewery Inc
1577 Carroll St Apt 3a, Brookln
Church Of St Mark
1346 President St, Brooklyn
Agudas Chasidei Chabad Of United States
770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Congregation Zichron Rabbi Eliezer Meskin
725 Crown St, Bklyn
Hassidic Congregation Of Crown Heights
1419 Carroll St, Brooklyn
New Jerusalem Temple Of Truth Inc
178 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
New Age Spiritual Baptist Church
1564 Fulton St, Brooklyn
Chanoch Lenaar
876 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
World Learning Communication
1371 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Talmudical Seminary Oholei Torah
667 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Congregation Friends Of Refugees Of Eastern Europe C O Benjamin Isaacs
1383 President St, Brooklyn
Center For Geirem C O Benjamin Isaacs
725 Crown St, Brooklyn
Glorious Trinity Baptist Church
1363 Union St, Brooklyn
Berean Baptist Church
1635 Bergen St, Brooklyn
Temple Of Prayer Holiness Church
168 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Bnai David Inc
675 Empire Blvd, Brooklyn
St Stephens Church Of Christ – Diciples Of Christ – Inc
219 Buffalo Ave # 21, Brooklyn
Vaad Hanochos Hatmimim Inc
788 Eastern Parkway Room 303, Brooklyn
New Bethel Glorious Pentecostal Church
254 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn
Chevra Of Jewish War Heroes
667 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Greater Friendship Baptist Church Inc
276 Buffalo Ave, Brooklyn
Al Masjid Shariah Allah Inc
201 Buffalo Avenue, Brooklyn
Trinity Temple Holy Church Inc
132 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Faith Life Ministries Inc
285 Buffalo Ave, Brooklyn
Congregation Bnai Solomon Zalman Of Crown Heights
1699 President St, Brooklyn
Beth Medrash And Kollel Tifereth Zekainim Levi Yitzchok
302 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn
Congregation Anash Of Crown Heights
768 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
The Temple Of Yahavah Inc
926 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Christ Consciousness Centers
309 Troy Ave, Brooklyn
Holy Ghost Tabernacle Church Of Christian Fellowship Church Of God
1592 Fulton St, Brooklyn
Tzivos Hashem
792 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
First Mary Magdalene Temle Of Faith
202 Albany Ave, Brooklyn
Saint Martins Spiritual Baptist Church Inc
162a Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Iglesia Pentecostal Del Triunfo Incorporated
169 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Faith Evangelistic Assembly Of God
1574 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Congregation Khal Anash Lubaw
1612 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Girlstown Beit Chana Safed Israel
706 Eastern Pkwy Ste 1g, Brooklyn
First Church Of God In Christ
221 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn
Calvery Community Church Inc
1496 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
St Anthony Baptist Church
425 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
New Gethsemane Baptist Church
209 Rochester Ave, Brooklyn
Congregation Bais Hamedrash Khal Chasidim
1612 Carroll St, Brooklyn
New Jerusalem Holy Temple Church Of Christ Disciples Of Christ
187 Rochester Ave, Brooklyn
Lubavitch Of Hungary
531 Crown St, Brooklyn
Congregation Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Inc
383 Kingston Ave Ste 323, Brooklyn
Unleaven Bread Deliverance Temple Of Christ Inc
273 Rochester Ave, Brooklyn
St Augustines American Catholic Church Inc Petrine Anticohean
298 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
St Pauls Seven Day Apostolic Spiritual Baptist Church Inc
166 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Triumphant Bible Church Of God Inc
908 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
International Christian Center Inc
1673 Dean St, Brooklyn
Truth Center For Higher Conciousness
1386 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn
Congregation Tiferas Inc
716 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
Keren Peulos
816 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Oil Of Joy Ministries 11 Inc
1278 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Mosdos Chinuch
770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Kupas Rabbeinu
1649 President St, Brooklyn
Central Organization For Jewish Outreach
770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Peoples Cathedral Of Brooklyn
1492 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Israel Resource Center
806 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Christ Life Ministries Inc
1694 Dean St, Brooklyn
Ark Of Christ Mission International
302 Albany Ave, Brooklyn
Congregation Ani Maamin
1367 President St, Brooklyn
Kolel Eliezer Elimelech
1651 President St, Brooklyn
Hebron S D A Bilingual School
920 Park Pl, Brooklyn
Colel Chabad
806 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
Israel Youth Village
770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Pentecostal Redeemers Temple
1537 Bergen St # 41, Brooklyn
Ezekiel Prophecy Spiritual Baptist Church Inc
806 Crown Street, Brooklyn
Bethel Tabernacle Inc
1478 Union St, Brooklyn
Jewish Community Center Of Moscow
531 Crown St, Brooklyn
Gods Lighthouse Of Deliverance Ministries Inc
712 Crown St Ste D-22, Brooklyn
Jesus Ministry Inc
1464 President St, Brooklyn
Evangelical Church Center Of Revival John 3-16 Inc
1388 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn
Congregation Yeshiva Beis Chaya Mushka Inc
1505 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Crown Heights North & South Faith Base Community Outreach Organizati
298 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Universal Temple Love Peace & Joy Church Of God
209 Rochester Ave 2nd Floor, Brooklyn
R A V Rabinical Academy Of Venice
383 Kingston Ave Ste 289, Brooklyn
Beth Medrash Bais Binyomin
680 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
Chabad Lubavitch Center
784 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Friends Of Chabad Athens Greece
1280 President St, Brooklyn
Ohr Menachem
531 Crown St, Brooklyn
Living Waters Full-Gospel Inc
1339 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Transforming Life Ministries
251 Troy Ave, Brooklyn
Ezrat Israel Inc
806 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Educational Institute Oholei Torah Of Brooklyn Inc
667 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Lubavitch Youth Organization
1408 President St, Brooklyn
Yeshiva Ohel Chabad Tr
313 Kingston Ave, New York
Chabad On Campus International Inc
719 Eastern Pkwy Ste 1, Brooklyn
Beis Chaya Mushka
1505 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Bnos Hamelech Inc
1431 Union St, Brooklyn
Friends Of Tzeirei Chabad In Israel Inc
737 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Holy Of Holies Baptist Assembly Incorporated
1024 Montgomery Ave, Brooklyn
Cong Beit Aharon Moshiach Center Of Ridgewood
935 Eastern Pky Ste 5-C, Brooklyn
Avrohom & Chaya Sorah Community Fund
1525 President St, Brooklyn
Base Yisroel
1307 President St, Brooklyn
Congregation Ohr Menachem
1729 President St, Brooklyn
Palace Of Joy C&S Church Inc
199 Schenectady Ave Ste First Fl, Brooklyn
Nachlas Levi Yitzchok Inc
763 Eastern Pkwy Apt C1, Brooklyn
St Matthew Church Of Christ Inc
232 Buffalo Ave, Brooklyn
297 Kingston Avenue Suite 297, Brooklyn
Committee For The Furtherance Of Torah Observance
391 Troy Ave, Brooklyn
Beth Hamidrash Harav Msosnowitz
534 Crown St, Brooklyn
Chevra Shomrei Shabbos Umitzvos
369 Utica Avenue %Julius Pinkes, Brooklyn
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church
1148 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Kashrus International Inc
1266 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn
Restoration Church Of Jesus Christ Inc
21 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Torah On Demand Inc
580b Crown Street Apt 602, Brooklyn
Congregation Tzivos Hashem
332 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn
Mei Chaya Mushka Mikvah Inc
383 Kingston Avenue Room 228, Brooklyn
Advent Fellowship Church
1666 Bergen St, Brooklyn
Congregation Tiferes Menachem
1566 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Beis Medrash Levi Yitzchak Inc
1650 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Khal Beis Rivka
1382 President St, Brooklyn
Chevra Ahavas Yisroel Inc
730 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Bread Of Life Pentecostal Ministries Inc
1279 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
World For Christ Ministries
158 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Friends Of Christ Ministries
1503 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Agape Sanctuary Inc
1142 Park Pl, Brooklyn
Jewish Learning Institute Inc
822 Eastern Parkway, Brooklvn
Chabad Of Playa Del Carmen
823 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
Jewish Community Of Korea Inc
383 Kingston Ave Ste 377, Brooklyn
Gods Army Of Prayers Inc
1075 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn
Cheder Darchai Limud Inc
580 Crown St Apt 311, Brooklyn
Caribbean Jewish Community
1483 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Likras Shabbos Inc
1469 President St Bsmt, Brooklyn
Congregation Achdus Bnei Yeshiva
556 Crown St Apt A8, Brooklyn
Grace Temple Healing And Deliverance Ministry
1489 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Greater Restoration Baptist Church Inc
1162 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
New York Synagogue And Torah Center
1455 Union St, Brooklyn
Universal Outreach For All People Through Jesus Christ Inc
1660 Fulton St Apt 6bb, Brooklyn
Chabad Piazza Bologna – Rome Inc
531 Crown St, Brooklyn
Yttl Lubavitcher Yeshiva
570 Crown St, Brooklyn
Kerev Zev Aryeh Inc
715 Eastern Pkwy Apt 2, Brooklyn
Ministerio Renuevo De Vida
1625 Dean St Apt 2b, Brooklyn
Friends Of Chabad Of India Inc
835 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Study House – Beis Hamedrash
1185 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn
Shabbat Society Inc
359 Troy Ave, Brooklyn
Kehilas Yad Vaezer
1451 President St, Brooklyn
Congregation Derech Chaim Inc
741 Montgomery St, Brooklyn
Chabad Taipei Inc
383 Kingston Ave Ste 342, Brooklyn
Foundation 70 Inc
1490 Union St, Brooklyn
Jewish Bride Institute Inc
1079 Sterling Pl, Brooklyn
Inter-Denominational Brotherhood Inc
1149 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Oihel Nosson
1368 President St, Brooklyn
Chabad Lubavitch Of Chautauqua Inc
1097 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn
Chabad Of Florence
1338 President St, Brooklyn
Chabad Of Kazakhstan
762 Empire Blvd Ste 3-F, Brooklyn
Spirit And Christian Center
1708 Dean St, Brooklyn
Light House Church Of God Inc
1681 Carroll St, Brooklyn
Garden Of Prayer For All Nations Inc
233 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Yeshiva Yaaldei Hashluchim
1485 Union St, Brooklyn
Chayenu Inc
1526 Union St, Brooklyn
Friends Of French Jewry Inc
383 Kingston Ave, Brooklyn
Torah Education Project Inc
701 Empire Blvd Apt 4e, Brooklyn
Liberty International Worship Ministries Inc
1324 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn
Miyad Inc
906 Eastern Pkwy Apt 1, Brooklyn
Chabad Of Puerto Vallarta Inc
717 Crown St, Brooklyn
Congregation Ohel Nosson
1198 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn
Christ Exalted Ministries International Brooklyn Inc
811 Crown St Apt 1f, Brooklyn
Chabad Of Williamsburg Inc
1703 Union St Apt 4a, Brooklyn
Congregation Beis Shmuel Chabad
383 Kingston Ave Ste 223, Brooklyn
Shluchim International
816 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Kolel Torah Inc
642 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn
Tech Tribe Inc
1405 Lincoln Pl, Brooklyn
Congregation Lamplighters Shlichus Center
777 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn
Union Street Sanctuary
1578 Union Street, Brooklyn