11218 is located in Brooklyn and includes Kensington & Windsor Terrace.

This neighborhood is mostly residential.
This neighborhood has:
an above average number of places to buy food
an above average number of childcare facilities

Public schools in this neighborhood are rated higher than average on three out of five dimensions of school quality.
This neighborhood had less crime than average per person.

EHV Payment Amount

EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.

If you are searching in zip code 11218, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:

SRO: $1947
Studio: $2596
1-BR: $2651
2-BR: $2992
3-BR: $3762
4-BR: $4048

For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.


11218 is served by the following transit options:

Subways: F, G
Bus lines: B8, B16, B35, B67, B68, B69, B103
Express bus lines: BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4
Citibike: Yes

Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.

Food Access

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11218 has an above average number of places to buy food.

Food shops: 139
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 1
Soup kitchens: 0
Food pantries: 2


Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11218 had less crime than average per person compared to other neighborhoods.

For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.

Healthcare Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11218 has an average number of healthcare facilities.

Hospitals and clinics: 7
Mental health: 0
Chemical dependency: 0
Health promotion and disease prevention: 2
Residential healthcare: 1
Other healthcare: 2

Social Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11218 has an average number of social services.

Senior services: 0
Immigrant services: 1
Services for people with disabilities: 4
Community centers and community school programs: 0
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 0

Childcare Facilities

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11218 has an above average number of childcare facilities.

After school programs: 7
Day care facilities: 18
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 17
Preschools for students with disabilities: 4

Public Schools

Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11218 were rated:

Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Above average
Supportive environment: Above average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Above average

Student achievement is rated average.

For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/


Of the people who live in 11218:

27% are children
12% are seniors

Of the people in 11218:

19% identify as Asian
7% identify as Black
17% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
52% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings

Buildings in 11218 are mostly residential. The most common type of properties in 11218 are one and two family buildings.

Street Life

Explore 11218 through Google Street View:

Open Space and Parks

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11218 has a below average amount of open space and parks.

Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 5
Gardens: 1
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 2

Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.

Religious Facilities

11218 includes the following religious facilities:

Congregation Tashbar Toras Chaim
805 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Gemach Moshe Elimelech Keren Raizel
3611 14th Ave Ste 603, Brooklyn

Pardes Yisroel
3909 15th Ave, Brooklyn

Flatbush & Shaare Torah Jewish Center
327 E 5th St, Brooklyn

Congregation B Nai Eliyahu C O Yechiel Kaufman
1461 40th St, Brooklyn

Shaarei Tshuva C O Benjamin Isaacs
312 Avenue F, Bklyn

Congreation Emunas Yisroel
1559 41st St, Brooklyn

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Of Flatbush
3775 18th Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Talmud Vehoraah
1582 41st St, Brooklyn

Brith Emunim C O Rabbi Quinn
425 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Sheepfold Ministries
412 Avenue C, Brooklyn

Hachnusas Kala V Ezra C O Benjamin Isaacs
1482 41 St, Brooklyn

Bnos Jerusalem Dchasidei Belze Inc
317 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Congregation Orach Meishorim Inc C O I L Eichenthal
381 E 8th St Ste 1, Brooklyn

Congregation Basic Tzvi
4015 15th Ave, Brooklyn

Bethel Christian Church
3910 16th Ave, Brooklyn

1564 41st St, Brooklyn

International Baptist Church
312 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Igud Harabonim Of America Inc
305 Church Ave, Brooklyn

The Brotherhood Inc
166 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Ashdod Hatoratit Inc
593 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Karen Hachzokas Yesomim Inc
534 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Zichron Meilech Inc
510 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Keren Ezras Yesomim Inc
305 Avenue F, Brooklyn

Congregation Chemdas Zvi Inc
3814 15th Ave Apt 20, Brooklyn

Ezra Lemarpeh
1554 39th St, Brooklyn

Mifal Gemilas Chasodim Vhachnosas Kalla
536 E 5th St, Brooklyn

Agudas Maasei Chesed
1418 40th St, Brooklyn

Gods Devine Healing Temple Inc
392 East Fourth St, Brooklyn

Congregation Zera Avrohom Shotz
210 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn

Kollel Metzeunim
1402 40th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Chasidei Belz Beth Malka
311 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

National Council Of Young Israel
305 Church Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Binyan Chaim
1481 38th St, Brooklyn

Nevei Hachesed
411 Avenue F, Brooklyn

Congregation Chernobil Inc
4023 12th Ave, Brooklyn

Bangladesh Muslim Center Inc
105 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Kerem Shlomo
3724 14th Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Chachmey Lublin Inc
411 Avenue F, Brooklyn

Congregation Tifereth Refoel Inc
707 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Keren Ahavas Chesed
506 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Torah Temimah Talmubical Seminary
507 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Elizer Brucha
1674 41st St, Brooklyn

Cheder Am Yisrael
3922 16th Ave, Brooklyn

Cong Gemach Bnei Pinchos
621 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Yeshivath Torah Vodaath
425 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Kolel Yugal Yakov Yismach Yisroel
1572 39th St, Brooklyn

Cong Pinas Yikras
1583 40th St, Brooklyn

United Fellowship Of Churches International Inc
550 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Pathfinders Ministry Inc
207 Ocean Pkwy Apt 2d, Brooklyn

Beth Haknesseth Ohr Hamizrach Caucasian Jewish Congregation
347 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Friends Of Congregation Nachlas Shimon
699 E 4th St, Brooklyn

Congregation G Mach Yashreish Yakov
1532 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Supporters Of Torah Inc
463 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Bnos Malke Belz
600 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn

Bais Menachem
1460 40th St, Brooklyn

Beth Midrash Masoret Avot
582 East 41 H Street, Brooklyn

Congregation Jewish Education Program Of America
425 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Yeshivas Chernobil Ateres Meshulem Zusia Inc
4023 12th Ave, Brooklyn

Nechomas Yisroel
1338 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Zichron Reb Mordechai Binik Z L Corp
1311 39th St, Brooklyn

Cong Stanislav
1426 40th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohev Yisroel
415 E 5th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Bais Yosef Kleinverdan Inc
1415 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Yeshiva Yad Moishe
1520 39th St, Brooklyn

Brooklyn Gospel Assembly Church Inc
1209 Church Ave, Brooklyn

Ateres Mechoel Inc
5 Ditmas Ave, Brooklyn

Irgun Shiurai Torah
1438 40th St, Brooklyn

Darul Jannah Masjid And Islamic Center For Qeami Inc
6 Avenue C, Brooklyn

Islamic Society Of Fire Department Personnel Inc
Po Box 180342, Brooklyn

Achuzat Avot In Eretz Hachaim
3810 14th Ave, Brooklyn

Mosdos Shuva Yisrael Inc
691 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Congregation Bnei Shalom
1442 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Duvid Dinver Bethmedrsh
701 E 2nd St, Brooklyn

Congregation Toldos Naftali Inc
1320 40th St, Brooklyn

Birchos Yitzchok Dbonhad
1312 40th St, Brooklyn

House Of Prayer Of The Christian & Missionary Alliance Inc
42 E 5th St, Brooklyn

Congregation K Dushas Yavrov
1627 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Gmach Divrei Chaim Zmigrod
1214 – 38 Street, Brooklyn

Congregation Yeshivas Bais Moshe
1650 41st St, Brooklyn

Central Charity Institute
Po Box 180262, Brooklyn

Marbe Chaim
1502 37th St, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Nesivos Chaim
221 Ave F, Brooklyn

Beis Shlomo
11 Avenue F, Brooklyn

Gan Yisroel
3909 15th Ave, Brooklyn

Calvary Cathedral Of Praise World Outreach Center Inc
45 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Cong Bnei Torah Sanz
365 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Cong Simchat Tzion – Libi Bmizrah
1573 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation K Hal Chassidim Of Vienna Inc
803 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Bobower Sha-Are Zion Cong
503 Ditmas Ave, Brooklyn

Church Of Holy Apostles
612 Greenwood Ave, Brooklyn

All Souls Bethlehem Church
566 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Ocean Parkway Jewish Center
550 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Bais Tziporah Inc
1449 39th St, Brooklyn

Christ Apostolic Church Of U S A First In The Americas Inc
622 Curtelyou Rd, Brooklyn

New Future For Soviet Jews
701 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Bais Nuchem
1435 38th St, Brooklyn

Brooklyn Islamic Center Inc
722 Church Ave, Brooklyn

Ner Mitzve
1328 41st St, Brooklyn

Cong Tiferes Yisroel Chasidei Chortkov
1241 40th St, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Nechumas Yisroel
1338 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Dorg
814 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Ohr Chodosh Inc
1532 37th St, Brooklyn

Cong Ohr Hatalmud Ohr Heshabbos & Ohr Kitov Inc
1482 41st St, Brooklyn

Rabeinu Ohr Hachaim
1552 39th St, Brooklyn

Bonim Lamokom Zichron Moshe Dov
425 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Liozna
1603 41st St, Brooklyn

Congregation Zlochev
1243 40th St, Brooklyn

Almahdi Foundation Inc
779 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregtion And Yeshiva Lev Someiach Of Alesk
203 Ave F, Brooklyn

Keren Hayeled Hatzalah
1482 41street, Brooklyn

Congregation Toras Chesed Inc
422 Avenue C, Brooklyn

Congregation Miphal Torah Vodaath Inc
3904 15th Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Chasidei Belz Williamsburgh-Bnos Jerusalem
600 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn

Daas Sholom Inc
605 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Congregation Adath Sochochow
1481 38th St, Brooklyn

Talmud Torah Hareem
1520 39th St, Brooklyn

Zichron Menachem Mendel
1205 37th St, Brooklyn

Chabad Of Windsor Terrace Inc
1266 Prospect Ave, Brooklyn

Bais Medrash Ltorah Vhoroah South East Inc
606 E 2nd St, Brooklyn

Congregation Emet Ve Emuna
3714 18th Ave, Brooklyn

Mevakshai Hashem
550 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Dawat-E-Islami Inc
715 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Iglesia Evangelica La Voz De Cristo Inc
50 Westminster Rd Apt 2k, Brooklyn

Congregation Mekom Mikdash
1365 41st St, Brooklyn

Alliance Of Divine Love Inc
3909 13th Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Kozover Zichron Chaim Shloime
621 Dahill Rd, Brooklyn

Congregation Bais Hillel
540 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Congregation Kedishas Aharon Inc
504 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Aliyos Shlomo
4007 15th Ave Apt 6, Brooklyn

Bais Medrash Minyan Ashkenaz
511 Avenue F, Brooklyn

Jamiah Darus Sunnah America
904 Cortelyou Rd, Brooklyn

Monument Of Faith In Christ Church Inc
250 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Garden Of Prayer International Inc
3911 Ft Hamilton Pky Ground Flr, Brooklyn

Talmud Torah Tiferes Yechiel Daleksander Inc
3810 14th Ave, Brooklyn

Capitol Funeral Service Of New York
723 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Synagogue Church Of All Nations Scoan Usa Inc
405 Westminster Rd Apt Lb5, Brooklyn

Congregation Ymh
1368 39th St, Brooklyn

Masjid Muhammad Ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari
1354 41 St Ste 2r, Brooklyn

Deshis Hope International
Po Box 180371, Brooklyn

Belz36 St
1228 36th St, Brooklyn

Camp Cpe Inc
1642 41 St, Brooklyn

Shree Shree Radha Madhab Mandir
903 Avenue C, Brooklyn

Beth Ahron Visrael – Bavi Chesed Fund Inc
606 E 2nd St, Brooklyn

Mogen Aurohom
710 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Kollel Rav Ocha
674 E 2nd St, Brooklyn

622 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Talmud Torah Ohel Yochanan
1325 38th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Tifereth Tomor Dvora Sfard Inc
Afz Accounting 114 Ditmas Ave, Brooklyn

Mekor Baruch
650 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Cong Chochmas Eliezer – Seret Wiznitz
1227 41st St, Brooklyn

The Bnei Torah Trust
1325 38th St, Brooklyn

Bnos Yisrael Tr
1325 38th St, Brooklyn

Beis Elchonon
1513 41st St, Brooklyn

Lmaan Achai Bucharim
1327 41st St, Brooklyn