11230 is located in Brooklyn and includes Midwood & Flatbush.

This neighborhood is mostly residential.
This neighborhood has:
an above average number of places to buy food
a very high number of social services
an above average number of childcare facilities
an above average number of healthcare facilities

Public schools in this neighborhood are rated higher than average on two out of five dimensions of school quality.
This neighborhood had among the fewest crimes per person.

EHV Payment Amount

EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.

If you are searching in zip code 11230, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:

SRO: $1815
Studio: $2420
1-BR: $2475
2-BR: $2794
3-BR: $3509
4-BR: $3784

For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.


11230 is served by the following transit options:

Subways: B, Q, F
Bus lines: B6, B7, B8, B9, B11, B49, B68, B82, B82-SBS
Express bus lines: BM1, BM3, BM4
Citibike: No

Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.

Food Access

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11230 has an above average number of places to buy food.

Food shops: 127
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 0
Soup kitchens: 1
Food pantries: 2


Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11230 had among the fewest crimes per person compared to other neighborhoods.

For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.

Healthcare Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11230 has an above average number of healthcare facilities.

Hospitals and clinics: 14
Mental health: 4
Chemical dependency: 4
Health promotion and disease prevention: 2
Residential healthcare: 0
Other healthcare: 5

Social Services

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11230 has a very high number of social services.

Senior services: 5
Immigrant services: 6
Services for people with disabilities: 5
Community centers and community school programs: 0
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 1
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 4

Childcare Facilities

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11230 has an above average number of childcare facilities.

After school programs: 2
Day care facilities: 17
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 18
Preschools for students with disabilities: 10

Public Schools

Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11230 were rated:

Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Above average
Effective school leadership: Above average
Trust: Average

Student achievement is rated average.

For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/


Of the people who live in 11230:

29% are children
16% are seniors

Of the people in 11230:

13% identify as Asian
7% identify as Black
10% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
66% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings

Buildings in 11230 are mostly residential. The most common type of properties in 11230 are one and two family buildings.

Street Life

Explore 11230 through Google Street View:

Open Space and Parks

Compared to other neighborhoods, 11230 has a below average amount of open space and parks.

Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 6
Gardens: 0
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 0

Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.

Religious Facilities

11230 includes the following religious facilities:

Yeshivah Of Flatbush
919 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Petach Tikvah
Rochester & Petach Tikvah, Brooklyn

National Council Of Young Israel
1012 Avenue I, Brooklyn

East Midwood Jewish Center Inc
1625 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Torah Vadaat
321 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Central Yeshiva Beth Joseph
1510 E 18th St, Brooklyn

United Lubavitcher Yeshivoth
841 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Harbotzas Torah Zichron Schneur
1049 E 15th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Chizuk Hadas C O Louis Friedman
1421 Avenue O, Brooklyn

Zichron Chava C O Aaron Schwarzman
1288 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Birchas Yavitz C O Martin C Sukenik
1518 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Chevra Hatzalah
1070 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Chasidei Gur Chidushe Harim
1409 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Neve Yaakov Inc
1359 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Kehilas Yaadov Yitzchok
92 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Keren Zichron Gedalyahu Inc Dba Beis Medrash Nezer Gedalyahu
1370 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Nefesh Yonathan Inc
770 Ocean Pkwy Apt 3j, Brooklyn

Institute Of Adath Israel Inc
1454 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Congregation Yeshuos Chaim
1167 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Congregation & Yeshiva Eshel Yisroel Inc
1966 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Anshei Emes Inc
1175 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Shaar Hatalmud Inc
1624 E 4th St, Brooklyn

Kollel Ha-Graw
1564 E 5th St, Bk

Congregation Tiferes Tzvi
1337 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Congregation And Yeshiva Ramash Of Brooklyn Inc
1302 Avenue H, Brooklyn

Toras Chaim Netivot Inc
1443 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Church Of The Nativity
1099 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Kiryat Hamativta-Givat Olga
967 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Schnay-Or
1126 E 12th St, Brooklyn

Keter David Inc
1504 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshivat Amudei Or
415 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Chasdei Chayer
1223 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Goan Yaacov
1528 E 4tth Street, Brooklyn

Persian Congregation Of Flatbush
1434 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Congregation Geulas Israel
1718 Avenue K, Brooklyn

Congregation Ahavas Dovid Inc
924 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Moisdos Sanz-Stropkov C/O Abraham Weinberger
7 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Torath Chaim Dflatbush
1709 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Talmedai Yeshivas Mir Inc
22 Webster Ave Apt 6k, Brooklyn

Congregation Kolel Avreichim Chasidei Breslav
1250 Ocean Pkwy Apt 1c, Brooklyn

Merkaz Hashabbos
1243 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Bais Mordechai
505 Avenue J, Brooklyn

Nevei Shmuel
1187 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Maor Israel
299 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Bais Avroham Dkula
1177 E 18th St, Brooklyn

Zikhron Moshe Yeshiva
1016 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Hayim Shaal Congregation Inc
1123 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Shraga Dveretsky
1102 Avenue L, Brooklyn

Imrai Kohain Congregation
721 Avenue L, Brooklyn

Machon Harabonim Inc
128 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Yad Aharon Inc
1486 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Brooklyn Sda School
1260 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Heichal Hatorah
1486 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Tal Chaim
1020 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Gedalyahu C/O Rabbi Joseph Aszknazy
1142 E 14th St, Brooklyn

Tomashover Congregation And Yeshiva Kol Aryeh
1212 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Yavneh Minyan Of Flatbush Inc
1208 Ave M 2322, Brooklyn

Congregation Damesek Eliezer Beth Torah
403 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Medrash Govvoah Of Flatbush
1495 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Ezer Lashovim Inc
1482 E 15th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Midrash Yam Hatorah
1573 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Knesseth Bais Yaakov
1714 Avenue J, Brooklyn

Congregation Zichron Elimelech
1262 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Zichron Dovid
1262 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Eshel Avraham
923 Roder Ave, Brooklyn

Jewish Youth Renaissance Center
829 E 15th St, Brooklyn

Keser Bais Yaakov
818 E 16th St, Brooklyn

Islamic Community Inc
115 Foster Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Sfat Temmim
1376 E 10th St, Brooklyn

National Council Of Young Israel
1721 Avenue J, Brooklyn

Congregation Zichron Eliezer
1543 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Midrash Shlomo Inc
Po Box 301066, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Arye
1069 E 4th St, Brooklyn

Kashrus Institute
1539 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Ohel Rochel Leah
508 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Nachlas Meir
102 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Masjid Gulzar-E-Habib
1368 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Shalom A Messianic Congregation Of The
Po Box 212, Brooklyn

Bet Yaakov Ohr Sarah
1123 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Tichon Hachadosh Lebanot
1492 East 12th Street, Brooklyn

Igl Cristiana Monte Sinai Ad
1225 Ocean Pkwy Apt 1l, Brooklyn

Thayba Islamic Center
784 E 9th St Ste 1f, Brooklyn

Congregation Orach Chaim
1002 Avenue M, Brooklyn

Bais Hamodia
207 Foster Ave, Brooklyn

American Friends Of Hamaayan- Fountain Of Jewish Culture Institu
1110 E 18th St, Brooklyn

Mosad Harim Levin
324 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Kollel Ohr Yehuda Inc
920 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Institute Of Jewish Humanities Aka Congregation Kol Yaakov
1620 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Congregation Nefesh Yisroel Ohr Sheva Inc
977 Mcdonald Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Medrash Darkei Yosher
1410 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Tiferes Ish
59 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Yad Dov Yagel Yaakov
1431 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Peretz
1206 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Mercaz Beth Jacob In Eretz Yisroel
324 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Congregation Bnei Torah Of Flatbush Inc
1457 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Cong Bais Yosef Anshe Chesed
1215 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Congregation L Dovid Mizmor
1348 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Aderes Eliyahu Inc
960 E 3rd St, Brooklyn

Keren Zichron Rabbeinu Yechezkel Shraga
1221 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Beis Menachem Mendel Of Flatbush
1011 E 18th St, Brookly

Congregation Kahal Tarnopol
163 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Divrei Yisroel & Bas Melech Inc
116 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Congregation Flatbush Hatzolo Ii
1880 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Beth E S L O R
1295 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Mesivta Veretzky
1223 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Beth Jacob Of Brownsville And East New York
85 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn

Joseph S Gruss Yeshiva High School
1904 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Torah
1061 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Yeshiva & Mesivta Toras Emes Kamenitz
Kamenitz, Brooklyn

Yeshivath Israel
1666 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Hisachdis Yireim Inc
1223 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Avenue M Jewish Center
1898 Bay Ave, Brooklyn

Beth Jacob Hebrew Teachers College Inc
1213 Elm Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Agudath Achim Chesed Bldg Fund
1129 E 12th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Mordechai
1358 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Chasdi Eluzar Inc
1905 Avenue L, Brooklyn

Shlom Bonayich Graduate Institute Inc
1611 Cedar St, Brooklyn

Congregation Of Quaker Hill
Po Box 375, Brooklyn

Cong Achpretvia Tal Chaim Shar Hayu Shor Inc
1810 Avenue N Apt 3e, Brooklyn

National Council Of Young Israel
1694 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Mosdos Hadras Yerushalayim
1340 E 4th St, Brooklyn

Laurel Estates Synagogue
1250 E 9th St, Brooklyn

National Society For Hebrew Day Schools
620 Foster Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshivah Lomza Petach Tikvah Israel Inc
90 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn

Peylim Lev Lachim
1034 E 12th St, Brooklyn

Yad Yosef C/O David Ozeirey
1032 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

American Friends Of Moaz Chaim Inc
1603 E 18th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Zichron Reb Shloma Fried
Po Box 300414, Brooklyn

Friends Of Reaim Inc
1066 E 2nd St, Brooklyn

Cong Keren Almonos Vyisomim
741 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Keren Zichron Aryeh Leib
1432 E 17th St, Brooklyn

American Friends Of Aram Soba
1030 E 7th St, Brooklyn

American Friends Of Shovu Yisroel Inc
1551 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Bais Medrash Zichron Yisroel Dovid
1904 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Avodah Brurah
1307 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Toras Hashachar Inc
1180 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Merkaz – The Center Inc
1743 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Ezra – Usa
Po Box 300338, Brooklyn

The American Friends Of Bnot Torah Institute
Po Box 300596, Brooklyn

Temple Of The Eternal Light Inc
928 Eash Fifth Street, Brooklyn

Congregation Tefflias Yesharim Inc
1545 E 16th St, Brooklyn

Lev Lachim Inc
1034 E 12th St, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Gedolah Of Great Neck
1534 E 17th St, Brooklyn

Visker Iluy Torah Research Inc
1448 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Taharas Mishpacha Of Brighton Inc
223 Ryder Ave, Brooklyn

National Council Of Young Israel
1694 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Kollel Zichron Yosef Dej
1524 E 17th St, Brooklyn

Beth Medrash Emek Halacha
Po Box 300006, Brooklyn

Hadera Institute Hadera
422a Avenue L, Brooklyn

Association Of Orthodox Jewish Teachers
1658 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Mesivtah Beth Alexander Rabbinical Seminay
1215 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Anshai Zedek Of Midwood Inc
1721 Avenue J, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Mikdash Melech
1326 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Kahal Shomrei Hadath
1340 E 9th St, Brooklyn

Youth Of Israel Inc
1721 Avenue J, Bklyn

Congregation Beis Aharon Inc
18 Lawrence Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation & Yesheva Tefereth Yesroel Moiske
1020 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Ohel Sara Congregation
902 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn

Khal Garden View Estates Inc
Po Box 300414, Brooklyn

Bethlehem Seventh Day El Shaddai Church
839 E 19th St Apt 3e, Brooklyn

Vaad Lekinyan Chelka Baaretz — Vlcb
1025 East 13th St, Brooklyn

Tarbut Inc
1865 Ocean Ave Apt 4j, Brooklyn

Victorious Triumphant Word International Church Inc
1122 Ocean Ave Apt 6a, Brooklyn

Congregation Camp Morris
1585 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Avenue N Sephardic Congregation
1469 E 5th St, Brooklyn

Menora International Inc
1455 E 15th St, Brooklyn

Iglesia Evangelica Del Espiritu Santo
961 E 14th St, Brooklyn

Allama Iqbal Community Center Inc
929 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Yeshiva Birkat Israel Inc
C/O D Frija 1532 East 7 Street, Brooklyn

Aishel Shabbat
1010 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Ahavath Torah Institute
S Gross 1877 Ocean Ave 1b, Brooklyn

Chevra Kadisha Of Flatbush
1360 East 14 St, Brooklyn

Keren Zichron Avrohom Moshe Inc
1542 E 19th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Chasidei Gur Of Midwood
1937 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohel Moshe Chevra Thilim Lubavitch
748 Ocean Pkwy, Brooklyn

Yeshivat Shaare Rahamim Inc
1244 E 7th St, Brooklyn

Torah Lishma
1472 E 16th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Lev Hoari
15 Lawrence Ave, Brooklyn

Jkollel Inc
1416 Avenue L, Brooklyn

Raayanot Inc
207 Foster Ave, Brooklyn

Shivat Zion Torah Center Inc
1845 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Beth Joseph Brooklyn
1502 Avenue N, Brooklyn

Congregation Tiferes Pinchus
91 Webster Ave, Brooklyn

Merkaz Hatefilla Of Avenue M
1914 Bay Avenue, Booklyn

Chabad Of Chengdu Inc
793 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Sephardic Youth Minyan Of Flatbush
1411 Avenue N Apt D5, Brooklyn

Congregation Mikvah Yisroel Of Flatbush
1980 Avenue L, Brooklyn

Yeshivas Ruach Hatorah-Tab
1460 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Yeshiva Gedolah Of Spring Valley
1247 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Yitzchak
1214 E 15th St, Brooklyn

Cong Ohel Yaakov Inc
842 Ocean Pky, Brooklyn

Yeshivat Hechal Shemuel Inc
1532 E 10th St, Brooklyn

Shomrey Brit Kodesh Org Corp
1022 Avenue M, Brooklyn

Gmach Hinda Esther Bas Reb Akiva
128 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn

Donna Baptiste Ministries
Po Box 301005, Brooklyn

Chizuk Hatorah Inc
1044 E 13th St, Brooklyn

Keren Tzedakos Matan Besiser
1433 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Gur Aryeh Institute
1585 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Merkaz Lchinuch Hatorah
781a E 8th St, Brooklyn

American Breslov Foundation Inc
718 Avenue O, Brooklyn

Elaka Dheir Aaneni
1491 E 18th St, Brooklyn

Kehal Tiferes Yaakov
1200 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Tomashover Congregation Kollel Ohr Simcha
1212 Avenue I, Brooklyn

Congregation Otzar Da At
1253 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Congregation Tzion Lenefesh Chaya
1382 E 19th St, Brooklyn

Congregation Ohr Nachman
1554 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn

Beineinu Nyc Inc
794 Argyle Rd, Brooklyn

Sephardic Mikvah Taharat Sarah Inc
1468 E 8th St, Brooklyn

Azrad Congregation
1404 Ocean Pky, Brooklyn

Mercaz Hatorah Vehachinch
128 Parkville Ave, Brooklyn