11234 is located in Brooklyn and includes Bergen Beach, Flatlands, Marine Park, & Mill Basin.
This neighborhood is a mix of residential and other uses.
Public schools in this neighborhood are rated higher than average on two out of five dimensions of school quality.
This neighborhood had less crime than average per person.
This neighborhood has an above average amount of open space and parks.
EHV Payment Amount
EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.
If you are searching in zip code 11234, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:
SRO: $1751
Studio: $2335
1-BR: $2387
2-BR: $2696
3-BR: $3385
4-BR: $3647
For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.
11234 is served by the following transit options:
Subways: N/A
Bus lines: B2, B3, B6, B7, B9, B31, B41, B46, B46-SBS, B47, B82, B82-SBS, B100, B103, Q35
Express bus lines: BM1, BM2, BM4
Citibike: No
Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.
Food Access
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11234 has an average number of places to buy food.
Food shops: 94
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 0
Soup kitchens: 0
Food pantries: 6
Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11234 had less crime than average per person compared to other neighborhoods.
For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.
Healthcare Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11234 has an average number of healthcare facilities.
Hospitals and clinics: 3
Mental health: 5
Chemical dependency: 0
Health promotion and disease prevention: 1
Residential healthcare: 0
Other healthcare: 2

Social Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11234 has an average number of social services.
Senior services: 5
Immigrant services: 0
Services for people with disabilities: 2
Community centers and community school programs: 1
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 1

Childcare Facilities
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11234 has an average number of childcare facilities.
After school programs: 8
Day care facilities: 9
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 14
Preschools for students with disabilities: 1

Public Schools
Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11234 were rated:
Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Above average
Supportive environment: Average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Above average
Student achievement is rated average.
For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Of the people who live in 11234:
23% are children
18% are seniors

Of the people in 11234:
7% identify as Asian
43% identify as Black
11% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
37% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings
Buildings in 11234 are a mix of residential and other uses. The most common type of properties in 11234 are buildings other than housing (offices, stores, warehouses, etc.). The most common type of housing is one and two family buildings.

Street Life
Explore 11234 through Google Street View:
Open Space and Parks
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11234 has an above average amount of open space and parks.
Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 12
Gardens: 0
Playfields: 2
Triangles & plazas: 3
Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.
Religious Facilities
11234 includes the following religious facilities:
Jesus Christ In Action Evangelical Assembly Intl Ministries Inc
1329 E 36th St, Brooklyn
Congregation Bais Moshe
1485 E 33rd St, Brooklyn
Ministerio De Adoracion Guardadores Del Pacto
7231 Avenue N 2nd Flr, Brooklyn
Yeshivah Talmud Torah Of Crown Heights
6363 Avenue U, Brooklyn
Yeshiva Rambam
3300 Kings Highway 2nd Floor, Brooklyn
Holy Trinity Of Flatbush
4118 Avenue R, Brooklyn
The Protestant Dutch Reformed Church Of The Town Of Flatlands
3931 Kings Hwy, Brooklyn
Way Of Life Gospel Center
1709 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
The Church Of Lord Pentecostal Church
4623 Avenue J, Brooklyn
Mosdos Pittsburgh Yad Isomar Inc
1259 E 55th St, Brooklyn
Bais Hamedrash Of Flatbush Synagogne Inc
1502 E 31st St, Brooklyn
The Universal Outreach Ministries Inc
1556 E 56th St, Brooklyn
Congregation Zichron Rabbeinu Moshe Feinstein
2114 E 66th St, Brooklyn
Sephardic Center Of Mill Basin Inc
6208 Strickland Ave, Brooklyn
Home Sweet Home
1960 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
House Of All Nations Church
3524 Avenue S, Brooklyn
Upkaar Sabha Inc
1927 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Mount Of Olive Evangelical Church Of Christ
5130 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn
Chabad House Of Canarsie Inc
2111 E 65th St, Brooklyn
Faith Pentecostal Missions Inc
1832 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Faith African Methodist Episcopal Church
4524 A Kings Hwy, Brooklyn
Holy Ghost Church Of God Inc
5621 Avenue I, Brooklyn
Rosary For Life Inc
Po Box 340017, Brooklyn
Faith Holiness Church Of The First Bishop
1167 E 51st St, Brooklyn
Redemption Community World Ministries Inc
630 E 59th St, Brooklyn
National Council Of Young Israel
2082 E 58th St, Brooklyn
Nehemiah Christian Outreach Ministries
4622 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn
New Creation International Church Inc
5717 Avenue M, Brooklyn
Friends Of Bahavat Yisrael Inc
4809 Avenue N Pmb 284, Brooklyn
Tiferes Academy
1960 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Church Of Living Christ Inc
1637 Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Ambassadors For Christ
4809 Ave N Ste 362, Brooklyn
Yemenite Congregation Of Mill Basin Inc
2114 E 66th St, Brooklyn
Congregation Beth Israel
2164 Ralph Ave, Brooklyn
Faith Apostolic Tabernacle
5011 Avenue M, Brooklyn
Eureka Christian Fellowship Inc
1211 E 45th St, Brooklyn
Marine Park Jewish Center
3311 Avenue S, Brooklyn
Congregation Beth Aryeh
2114 E 66th St, Brooklyn
Bethel Deliverance Gospel Center International Inc
1261 E 57th St, Brooklyn
Chabad Of Georgetown Inc
1278 E 72nd St, Brooklyn
Cong Bais Mordechai Dbertch
3302 Avenue P, Brooklyn
Mill Basin Sephardic Congregation
2133 E 64th St, Brooklyn
New Life Ministries Internationalinc
1322 E 40th St, Brooklyn
Congregation Tiferes Avrahomdzidichov
4017 Ave P, Brooklyn
Christian Church Of The Redemptioninc
2012 Ralph Avenue, Brooklyn
Bnai Raphael Synagogue
2114 E 66th St, Brooklyn
Machon Tiferes Lmoshe Inc
3119 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn
Messiahs Reformed Fellowship
2064 E 67th St, Brooklyn
Spotless Sabbath Church
22 Lott Pl, Brooklyn
Throne Room Del Ministries
4716 Avenue N, Brooklyn
Prayer Act International Ministries Inc
Po Box 340185, Brooklyn
Place For Women Ministry Inc
1275 E 51st St Apt 3g, Brooklyn
Covenant Keepers Theological Seminary
7231 Avenue N 2nd Flr, Brooklyn
Kneeling Ambassadors Of Worship Temple
1088 Bergan Ave Bsmt, Brooklyn
Congregation Bnei Yitzchok Of Vorka
1551 61st St, Brooklyn
Glorious Church Of God In Christ Jesus International Inc
6624 Veterans Ave, Brooklyn
Khilah Marine Park
3605 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn
Grace Of God Tabernacle Inc
64 Harbor Dr, Brooklyn
The Apostolic Church Of Christ Inc
881-883 Nostrand Ave Ste Ph, Brooklyn
Bet Yaakov Orot Sarah Inc
3119 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn
Living Bread International Ministries Inc
1783 Hendrickson St, Brooklyn
Bjhi Inc
3603 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn
Faith In Works Church Of Christ Inc
2053 Schenectady Ave, Brooklyn
Faithleadstovictory Inc
4809 Ave N Suite 196, Brooklyn
Catholic Engaged Encounter Inc
2233 E 38th St, Brooklyn
Sephardic Torah Center Of Marine Park
1950 Kimball St, Brooklyn
Congregation Countryside Acres
2071 Flatbush Avenue Ste 46, Brooklyn
Purpose Life Church
4021 Flatlands Ave, Brooklyn
Kol Tzedek-Voice Of Justice
4809 Avenue N-Suite 133, Brooklyn
Heritage For The Blind Inc
2182 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn
Friends Of The Jewish Community Of S Petersburg Inc
1540 E 31st St, Brooklyn
Miracle Temple New Testament Church Of God Inc
2049a Utica Ave, Brooklyn
Rhema Worship Center Inc
1310 E 55th St, Brooklyn
Chasdei Yosef Chai
1246 E 72nd Street Apt B, Brooklyn
Torah Ve Ahavah Inc
3603 Quentin Rd, Brooklyn
Waymark Ministries
648 E 59th St, Brooklyn
American Friends Of Beer Hachaim Inc
1483 E 33rd St, Brooklyn
Glory Of El Shaddai Christian Center Inc
1117 E 57th St, Brooklyn
Rose Of Sharon Baptist Church
1518 E 55th St Ste Ph, Brooklyn