11377 is located in Queens and includes Woodside, Sunnyside & Maspeth.
This neighborhood is mostly residential.
This neighborhood has an above average number of places to buy food.
Public schools in this neighborhood are rated higher than average on two out of five dimensions of school quality.
This neighborhood had less crime than average per person.
EHV Payment Amount
EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.
If you are searching in zip code 11377, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:
SRO: $1930
Studio: $2574
1-BR: $2629
2-BR: $2970
3-BR: $3729
4-BR: $4015
For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.
11377 is served by the following transit options:
Subways: 7, M, R
Bus lines: B24, M60-SBS, Q18, Q32, Q39, Q47, Q53-SBS, Q60, Q66, Q67, Q70-SBS, Q104
Express bus lines: N/A
Citibike: Yes
Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.
Food Access
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11377 has an above average number of places to buy food.
Food shops: 123
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 0
Soup kitchens: 0
Food pantries: 4
Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11377 had less crime than average per person compared to other neighborhoods.
For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.
Healthcare Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11377 has an average number of healthcare facilities.
Hospitals and clinics: 4
Mental health: 7
Chemical dependency: 2
Health promotion and disease prevention: 3
Residential healthcare: 1
Other healthcare: 2
Social Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11377 has an average number of social services.
Senior services: 2
Immigrant services: 2
Services for people with disabilities: 1
Community centers and community school programs: 4
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 1
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 0
Childcare Facilities
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11377 has an average number of childcare facilities.
After school programs: 10
Day care facilities: 7
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 19
Preschools for students with disabilities: 0
Public Schools
Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11377 were rated:
Rigorous instruction: Above average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Above average
Effective school leadership: Average
Trust: Average
Student achievement is rated average.
For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Of the people who live in 11377:
17% are children
16% are seniors
Of the people in 11377:
37% identify as Asian
2% identify as Black
38% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
21% identify as White
Types of Housing & Buildings
Buildings in 11377 are mostly residential. The most common type of properties in 11377 are buildings other than housing (offices, stores, warehouses, etc.). The most common type of housing is one and two family buildings.
Street Life
Explore 11377 through Google Street View:
Open Space and Parks
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11377 has a below average amount of open space and parks.
Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 5
Gardens: 0
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 13
Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.
Religious Facilities
11377 includes the following religious facilities:
Indonesian Pentecostal Church
4134 69th St, Woodside
Sure Foundation Lutheran Church
Po Box 770935, Woodside
St Sebastian
3963 57th St, Woodside
St Jacobus Evangelical Lutheran Church
7201 43rd Ave, Woodside
Greater New York Academy
4132 58th St, Woodside
Woodside Jewish Center
59-11 Queens Blvd, Woodside
St Pauls Church
Po Box 23, Woodside
Korean Presbyterian Church Of Southern New York
5105 Queens Blvd, Woodside
Chinese Christian Church Of Qu
6316 39th Ave, Woodside
Korean Trinity Presbyterian Church In New York
3915 Woodside Ave, Woodside
New Generation Baptist Church
5704 Roosevelt Ave, Woodside
Winfield Reformed Church
4212 67th St, Woodside
Maspeth Bible Church
5941 48th Ave, Woodside
The Korean First Presbyterian Church Of New York
3760 61st St, Woodside
New York Sung Bok Church
4137 58th St, Woodside
Joong Ang Presbyterian Church Of New York
3250 61st St, Woodside
The Faith And Understanding Mission
5811 39th Ave, Woodside
The Korean Garden Of Eden Presbyterian Church Of New York
4137 58th St, Woodside
Islamic Propagation Centre International Inc
Po Box 770218, Woodside
Anjumane Muhammadia The Islamic Assoc Of Afgani Muslims Of N Amer
5011 Queens Blvd, Woodside
Masjid Al Taufiq Inc
Po Box 770218, Woodside
Jackson Heights Sda School
7225 Woodside Ave, Woodside
Overseas Mission Of New York Inc
3760 61st St, Woodside
Little Flock Church
6938 47th Ave, Woodside
I Must Be About My Fathers Business Ministries Inc
3146 51st St Apt 6a, Woodside
Islamic Da Awah Center
5716 37th Ave, Woodside
Talitha Koum Mission Church
4014 62nd St Apt 4j, Woodside
New York Choong Hyun Presbyterian Church
5814 Roosevelt Ave, Woodside
Iglesia Cristiana El Renuevo Inc
4325 52nd St, Woodside
Romanian Institute Of Orthodox Theology And Spirituality
3018 50th St, Woodside
St Stephens Mission Church
68 18a Woodside Ave, Woodside
St John Chrysostom Eastern Orthodox Church
7029 45th Ave, Woodside
City Blessing Church Inc
3802 61st St, Woodside
Mision Carismatica Internacional Cristo Es La Respuesta Inc
5322 Roosevelt Ave, Woodside
Masjid-E-Noor Inc
5716 37th Ave, Woodside
Chunbukyo Church Of New York Inc
5817 39th Ave, Woodside
Islamic Institute Of New York Inc
5511 Oueens Blvd, Woodside
Pyonghoa Gospel Church
6702 Woodside Ave, Woodside
Living Soul Church Of U S A
6920 38th Ave, Woodside
Horizontes Luminosos Centro Yhosva
4306 53rd St, Woodside
Jamia Masjid Hanafia & Muslim Center Inc
3213 57th St, Woodside
Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha Of New York Inc
6101 Broadway, Woodside
Sunnyside-Woodside Jame Masjid Inc
4518 48th Ave, Woodside
Fu Yen True Buddha Temple
4743 46th St Apt 3r, Woodside
Presbyterian Mission Of New York
43-12 54th Ste 1f, Woodside
J H Omega Mission Center Inc
41-56 72 Street 3fl, Woodside
Chamvit Presbyterian Church Of Ny Inc
4103 53rd St Apt 2r, Woodside
United Bengali Lutheran Church Of America
3357 58th St, Woodside
Iglesia Nueva Vida Inc
3366 54th St, Woodside
Christ Our Banner Community Church New York
4122 58th St, Woodside
The First Korean Presbyterian Church Of Manhattan Inc
6521 Roosevelt Ave, Woodside
Islamic Center Of Queens New York Inc
Po Box 770218, Woodside
God Is Not Dead He Is Still Alive Ministries
4505 48th Ave, Woodside Queens
El Tabernaculo Inc
4753 46th St, Woodside
Purna-Joyti Light Of Peace Buddhist Association Inc
6726 47th Ave, Woodside
Iglesia De Dios Ministerial De Jesucristo International Inc
5601 Queens Blvd, Woodside
Cagayan De Oro Cityt And Misamis Oriental Association Of New York
4151 54th St, Woodside
Asoka Mission Society
72-35 43rd Ave 3rd Fl, Woodside
Seventh Day Adventist Reformmovement New York Church
5014 39th Ave, Woodside
Ebenezer Baptist Church Inc
4101 58th St, Woodside
Foundation Of Love Usa Inc
41-06 55th Street, Woodside
Asian Community Development Center Inc
Po Box 770604, Woodside
Woodside Baitul Jannah Masjid Inc
6201 39th Ave, Woodside
Korean Presbyterian Church Of Replenishment
5617 39th Ave, Woodside
Omega Mission Presbyterian Church
41-56 72nd St 3rd Flr, Woodside
Karma Wosel Dojoe Ling
4132 50th St Apt 4, Woodside
Bethel Nepali Church
4525 48th St Apt 2g, Woodside
New Creation Em
60-20 Broadway 2nd Flr, Woodside
Om Shakti Temple
40-23/25 72nd St Cellar Lev, Woodside
Iglesia Cristiana Pentecostal La Promesa – The Promise Pentecostal
Po Box 770104, Woodside
Bodhi Institute Of Compassion And Wisdom-New York
4832 58th Ln, Woodside
Darul Arqam
Po Box 770216, Woodside
Church Of God International Members In New York
6006 39th Ave, Woodside
Catholic Daughters Of The Americas
6411 Woodside Ave, Woodside
Christian Revival Temple
3801 58th St, Woodside
West Side Sephardic Minivan Inc
6210 Northern Blvd, Woodside
Woodside Valientes Y Esforzados
39-25 65th St, Woodside
Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center
4130 57th St, Woodside
Woodside Ny Foursquare Church
3706 65th St Apt 3b, Woodside
True Worshipers Church
25-20 Brooklyn Queens Expw W 1st Fl, Woodside
Yeshua Adonai Bible International
4229 66th St, Queens