11691 is located in Queens and includes Far Rockaway & Edgemere.
This neighborhood is mostly residential.
This neighborhood has:
an above average number of childcare facilities
an above average number of healthcare facilities
This neighborhood has an above average amount of open space and parks.
EHV Payment Amount
EHVs can cover different amounts of rent depending on the zip code where a home is located and the size of the home, and they can provide extra help in some neighborhoods where housing is more expensive. You may hear the term “payment standard,” which means the maximum amount of rent an EHV can cover.
If you are searching in zip code 11691, EHVs may help pay the following amounts for SROs, Studios, and 1-4 bedroom apartments:
SRO: $1751
Studio: $2335
1-BR: $2387
2-BR: $2696
3-BR: $3385
4-BR: $3647
For more information about payment amounts across the city, please visit: https://nyc.gov/hpd-payment-standards.
11691 is served by the following transit options:
Subways: A
Bus lines: Q22, Q52-SBS, Q113, Q114
Express bus lines: QM17
Citibike: No
Or map your commute to school, work, or to see family/friends.
Food Access
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11691 has an average number of places to buy food.
Food shops: 64
Year-round farmers markets: 0
Seasonal farmers markets: 1
Soup kitchens: 1
Food pantries: 9
Neighborhood safety is difficult to measure and summarize, but when looking at the number of certain felony crimes that occurred in this area between 2014 and 2018, 11691 had among the most crimes per person compared to other neighborhoods.
For more information on which crimes were analyzed and how they were adjusted for the number of people who live in each zip code, see the technical notes.
Healthcare Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11691 has an above average number of healthcare facilities.
Hospitals and clinics: 9
Mental health: 12
Chemical dependency: 1
Health promotion and disease prevention: 8
Residential healthcare: 11
Other healthcare: 2

Social Services
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11691 has an average number of social services.
Senior services: 4
Immigrant services: 1
Services for people with disabilities: 0
Community centers and community school programs: 3
Non-resident housing and homeless services: 0
Legal and intervention services: 0
Financial and social services: 0
Workforce development: 3

Childcare Facilities
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11691 has an above average number of childcare facilities.
After school programs: 15
Day care facilities: 12
DOE universal pre-K facilities: 14
Preschools for students with disabilities: 0

Public Schools
Each school year the New York City Department of Education (DOE) surveys students, parents, and teachers. This information is used to measure five dimensions of school quality for each school. The New York City public schools located in 11691 were rated:
Rigorous instruction: Average
Collaborative teachers: Average
Supportive environment: Average
Effective school leadership: Below average
Trust: Below average
Student achievement is rated lower than most.
For more detailed information on a specific school, please visit: https://tools.nycenet.edu/snapshot/2019/
To look up zoned schools at a given address, please visit: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Of the people who live in 11691:
31% are children
13% are seniors

Of the people in 11691:
3% identify as Asian
45% identify as Black
27% identify as Hispanic/Latinx
23% identify as White

Types of Housing & Buildings
Buildings in 11691 are mostly residential. The most common type of properties in 11691 are one and two family buildings.

Street Life
Explore 11691 through Google Street View:
Open Space and Parks
Compared to other neighborhoods, 11691 has an above average amount of open space and parks.
Parks, playgrounds & natural areas: 13
Gardens: 4
Playfields: 0
Triangles & plazas: 0
Note: Some zip codes are close to but do not include very large parks like Central Park, Prospect Park, Van Cortlandt Park, and others. In these cases, residents still have nearby access to high-quality open space, but this access is not reflected in the numbers above. You may want to explore on a map to see if any large parks are nearby.
Religious Facilities
11691 includes the following religious facilities:
Full Gospel Tabernacle Of Edgemere
361 Beach 42nd St, Far Rockaway
Siach Yitzchok
1513 Central Ave, Far Rockaway
Iglesia Del Dios Fuerte
2114 Nameoke St, Far Rockaway
Bayswater Jewish Center Far
2355 Healy Ave, Far Rockaway
National Council Of Young Israel
2716 Healy Ave, Far Rockaway
Torah Academy For Girls
444 Beach 6th St, Far Rockaway
Chevra Othel Moshe & Chevra Mishnaies
1204 Beach 12th St, Far Rockaway
Yeshiva Of Far Rockaway
802 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
National Council Of Young Israel
2716 Healy Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Ohavei Shalom Inc
611 Beach 8th St, Far Rockaway
Kahal Y Shurin
786 Cornaga Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Ohavei Torah C O S Z Feigenbaum
Frisco Ave & Beach 8th St, Far Rockaway
Congregation Darchei Torah
257 Beach 17th St, Far Rockaway
Mesizta Theological Seminary
1056 Beach 9th St, Queens
Gods Pentecostal Church Prince Of Peace
1835 Mott Ave, Far Rockaway
Tiferes Yehuda
802 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
Derech Ayson Rabbinical Seminary
802 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
Living Rock Christian Center
1805 Redfern Ave, Far Rockaway
Mesianic Congregation Gan Eden
612 Beach 22nd St, Far Rockaway
In The Services Of The King Ministries Inc
2430 Bayswater Ave, Far Rockaway
Jerusalem Center For Research
639 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
First Church Of God Inc
1425 Beach Channel Dr, Far Rockaway
Arverne Church Of God Inc
1318 Central Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Mateh Zevulun
918 Seagirt Blvd, Far Rockaway
New Life Tabernacle Inc
1069 Hartman Ln, Far Rockaway
Alianza Cristiana Y Misionera De Far Rockaway Inc
415 Beach 27th St, Far Rockaway
Evangelical Holiness Church Wesleyan Inc
1143 Beach Channel Dr, Far Rockaway
Eglise Baptiste Dexpression Francaise De Far Rockaway Inc
710 Beach 20th St, Far Rockaway
Iglesia Pentecostal Peniel Internacional Inc
1261 Central Ave Apt 710, Far Rockaway
World Harvest Deliverance Center
1521 Central Ave, Far Rockaway
Bayswater Community Mikveh Association
1132 Waterview St, Bayswater
Iglesia De Dios Hefzi-Ba Inc
2210 New Haven St, Far Rockaway
Kings Children Ministries Inc
5307 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Edgemere
Rockaway Inwood Ministerial Coalition Inc
1425 Beach Channel Dr, Far Rockaway
She Arim
802 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
Congregation Mahru Zoltshev
612 Beach 9th St, West Lawrence
Agudath Israel Of Long Island
816 Caffrey Ave, Far Rockaway
Adir Eliezer
828 Dorian Ct, Far Rockaway
Bethany Apostolic Church
447 Beach 22nd St, Far Rockaway
Upper Room International Ministries Inc
1423 Mcbride St, Far Rockaway
Saved To Serve Ministries
1320 Gipson St, Rockaway
Universal Theological Seminary Inc
1121 Bayport Pl, Far Rockaway
Haitian Baptist Church Of Salvation Inc
1121 Bayport Pl, Far Rockaway
National Council Of Young Israel
716 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway
Bais Medrash Eyun Tefilah Inc Co
2422 Bayswater Ave, Far Rockaway
Ohr Halacha Inc
906 Seagirt Blvd, Far Rockaway
National Council Of Young Israel
567 Cedar Hill Rd, Far Rockaway
Kollel Pirchei Shoshanim Of Far Rockaway And The Five Towns-Inc
370 Beach 12th St, Far Rockaway
Chabad Lubavitch Of Far Rockaway Merkos Yagdil Torah Inc
1055 Neilson St, Far Rockaway
Beis Medrash Ohr Shlomo
1208 Cornaga Ave, Far Rockaway
Kingdom Empowerment Tabernacle Inc
284 Beach 14th St, Far Rockaway
Nesiv Hatorah Inc
753 Caffrey Ave, Far Rockaway
Rockaway Revival Center Inc
4915 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Far Rockaway
World Outreach Evangelical Ministry
207 Beach 28th St, Far Rockaway
Far Rockaway Spanish Church Of Godof Prophecy
2304 Cornaga Ave, Far Rockaway
K Hal Machzikei Torah
1a Jarvis Ct, Far Rockaway
Yeshiva Bnei Torah
529 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
Bais Medrash Ateres Yisroel
814 Caffrey Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Beth Joseph
612 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway
Congregation Chesed Vemes Charitable Tr
1037 Bay 24th St, Far Rockaway
Bais Medrash Society Inc
1403 Bay 28th St, Far Rockaway
Torah Umarpeh
1121 Bay 24th St, Far Rockaway
Servants Of Divine Child Missionaries
2907 Deerfield Rd, Far Rockaway
Concilio Internacional De Iglesias Pentecostales Fuente De Paz
1160 Redfern Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Zichron Moshe Dov
1110 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway
Mesivta Shaarei Chaim
716 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway
Alleluia Deliverance Healing Ministry Inc
443 Beach 22nd St, Far Rockaway
Iglesia Luz Del Mundo Pentecostal Inc
4915 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Far Rockaway
Far Rockaway-Five Towns Community Morning Foundation Inc
1015 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway
Birkat Eliyahu
2732 Tammy Dr, Far Rockaway
Merkaz Hatorah Of Far Rockaway Inc
506 Jarvis Ave, Far Rockaway
Congregation Torah Utefillah Frysztak
621 Hicksville Rd, Far Rockaway
Kehilas Bais Yisroel
748 Cornaga Ct, Far Rockaway
Ohr Leah Academy
1140 Bay 24th St, Far Rockaway
Dvash Project Inc
449 Beach 6th St, Far Rockaway
Lawrence Far Rockaway Community Kollel
1201 Beach 12th St, Far Rockaway
Life Changing Ministries
146 Beach 24th St Apt 412, Far Rockaway
Come And See International Ministry Inc
710 Beach 20th St, Far Rockaway
Yeshiva Noam Hatorah
1143 Beach 9th St, Far Rockaway